Marriage II Planning the Wedding

We discussed how to meet a potential spouse in Korea in the last chapter. We’ll examine how wedding preparations proceed after the wedding date is selected in this chapter.

The bride’s family handles the majority of the wedding preparations after the wedding date is decided.



The saying “If you have three daughters, the pillars of your house will shake” originates from the Korean culture and refers to the financial strain on the bride’s side.

Usually, the groom receives a suit and hanbok from the bride’s close family members, and jewels from the mother-in-law.

The bride is also in charge of arranging home items like furniture, washing machines, and china in addition to these gifts.

The bride could be required to give three keys if the groom is a highly-paid professional, like a doctor or lawyer. The automobile, house, and office keys are referred to as the three keys.



In addition to bringing gifts for the bride’s family, the groom also bears the primary burden of securing housing for them as part of the wedding preparations.

The pair may begin their married life together at the home of the groom’s parents if the groom is unable to afford to purchase a property for financial reasons.

The majority of Koreans think that when a man and a woman get married, the bride leaves her family and joins the groom’s. As a result, the bride’s family feels sad on the wedding day since they must say goodbye to the bride, while the groom’s family is delighted to welcome a new member.

This is among the factors that influence how many couples decide to have sons rather than daughters.

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